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432 Hz Music


What is 432 Hz Music? Music can be so many things for us: joy, relaxation and a healing “soundcloud” – but also a cause of disharmony. A crucial factor in the effect of a musical piece is the standard pitch; a reference tone to which all instruments of a song must be equally tuned. The more similarly this sound is to our “inner sound code”, the more benefits it will have on us; the more it differs from our “inner sound code” the more stress it will cause.


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Listen to 432 Hz Music

432 Hz Music…

can balance our brain hemisphere and that way strengthen emotional stability. It may help to enhance our spiritual development. And even more: With the sometimes called “sun sound” of 432 Hz we resonate with nature’s phi spiral which we find in almost all forms of life.


Relaxing-Music Tree 432 Hz Music


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So isn’t this is a wonderful way to get into balance with nature, just by listening to music? When we’re exposed to “well-tuned” sounds for a longer period of time, it’s obvious that we can start to feel “tuned properly” ourselves.

The therapeutic effect of 432Hz concert pitch was already known to ancient cultures. It has just been rediscovered as a very interesting topic for musicians as well as therapists of all kind!

432 Hz Music sounds warmer and smoother, we also feel the sound in our stomach, instead of merely hearing it. It gives us a special feeling in our heart and along our spine… just try it yourself!



But please do not listen to relaxing music such as 432 Hz through your laptop- or smartphone speakers! Unfortunately this is widely done nowadays, just because it’s comfortable and quick to touch a button, instead of taking the time for turning on a high quality speaker system. The technical requirements for presenting music or any beneficial frequency are simply not given to laptop or smartphone speakers. Take your time and let music only touch you with a “clean” sound. Your sound system doesn’t need to be very expensive – yet some quality must be given to let the healing sounds have an effect.



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Listen to 432 Hz Music


432 Hz Music Soundwave


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432 Hz sounds and feels more “round” – more “stable”. On the other hand, the current standard frequency 440 Hz expands in a more linear way. We perceive the sound more on the head’s side. 440 Hz stimulates our left brain (consciousness), which can cause stress and anxiety. Disharmony may increase further.

Sometimes however, this effect can be wishful in music – for example in aggressive and activating dance music. But when it comes to relaxing, the 440 Hz sound is totally not desirable.


Rudolf Steiner warned of using this high frequency and was convinced that it has an effect on developing antisocial behavior. Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks tuned their instruments to approximately 432 Hz until the Romans insisted on changing the pitch again.


Even Mozart and Verdi insisted that their music should be played in around 430 to 432Hz! Only in 1939 the standard pitch was assessed to 440 Hz. Since then musicians worldwide, such as Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Birgit Nilsson, Joan Sutherland, Montserrat Caballe, Richard Strauss and many more requested to pitch lower again.


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432 Hz Music Mozart432 Hz Music on Amazon*


My personal experience with 432 Hz Music

It truly sounds much warmer and softer than the 440 Hz standard pitch of our today’s music. Beside 432 Hz, there are are much more interesting frequencies, all with different characters and effects, such as the Solfeggio Frequencies, among many others!

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432 Hz Music Violin-vs-guitar


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I think, it’s important to decide about using a frequency in context with the goal that wants to be achieved with the individual piece of music! For music of the genres Funk or Swing, other tunings such as 437 Hz or 444 Hz (among many others) can be interesting, too.

Instruments can also sound very different according to their tuning: Strings and brass instruments such as violins or trumpets sound much louder with a high tuning.


444 Hz, for example, sounds extremely bright and lively – perfect for dancing and drawing attention to the sound. For pure relaxation 432 Hz is one of the best choices… it just “feels” right!

Listen to 432 Hz Music

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